African-American history is American history. European-American history is American history. Asian-American history is American history. Latino-American history is American history. Indigenous/Native American history is American History.

Our collective history is part of the biological, social, political and karmic fabric of the entire planet.

This is especially true in the United States where the legacies (and repercussions) of the Native American genocide, British Colonial rule, 300+ years of chattel slavery, the Industrial Revolution, Women's Suffrage, the Mexican War, Japanese Internment and Imperialism are shared by everyone.

We are one people with one collective story - a story best understood as a whole when seen from its many different perspectives.

The Underground Universe is celebrating Your History Month this February. We believe that the human experience is intrinsically linked -without regard to phenotype or genotype.

We believe historical and cultural awareness is an integral part of the effort to affect sustainable social, environmental and political wellness.

